Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day 15: Snowy.Trails.

Snow is a pretty gorgeous thing. However, I currently have a bit of a love/hate relationship with it. It's pretty to look at, makes things romantic, got me out of school several times growing up, and most importantly, it gave me a two week paid vacation last year. So where does my hate come from? Well apparently this year, the City of Alexandria doesn't give a crap about the safety of their employees and isn't willing to give us a day off anymore so now I'm forced to risk my life to go into work and be there with pretty much no one because they have the leave to take off and I don't. Additionally, I'm getting into the tough stages of my marathon training and every day of running is precious... so it was really annoying to go on my simple 4 mile run today and tear up my knees having to run on snow/ice that is still present on the trails. Buttttttt... I guess I should get over it because the snow did provide for this pretty cool picture. When I was done running, I drove to this portion of where I begin to run, right on the waterfront. I thought the tree looked cool on the edge of the land. Just in case you are curious, that's DC right across the water. Side note, I didn't edit the colors or anything on this... came out kinda awesome!

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