Friday, July 8, 2011

Day 101: Dewey.Beach.

This is the only picture evidence that I even went to Dewey Beach (from my camera). This is Courtney, Tracey, and I (and some hot biker dudes) stuck in traffic due to a bad accident, about 1000 feet in front of us. I got blamed because I stupidly had to stop at Wawa (duh) on our way. But whatever, it was good times. You may ask why I would be at the beach for 4 whole days and not get a single picture... well, when you're at Dewey, the only things you are able to have on you are your bathing suit, a sundress, and a beer (or orange crush) in your hand. There is no room for a camera, ever. Or it may just end up in the pool, someone's drink, or the ocean. No thanks.

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