Thursday, January 27, 2011

Day 10: Masonic.Temple.

Today has been a pretty annoying day for me. We received about 6-8 inches of snow here in Alexandria, but somehow whoever makes the closing decisions missed the memo that we received that much snow, the roads weren't clear, and it was unsafe to get to work... and we were the only city/county government in the metro area to not have at least a 2 hour delay. This OBVIOUSLY made me a very angry person when I realized I had to get up for work this morning and shovel my car out. So anyways, I took it upon myself to take my sweet time getting to work and stopped at the George Washington Masonic Temple on my way in. This is a very historic landmark in Alexandria and is absolutely gorgeous, especially when it's covered in snow. The Masonic Temple was charted in 1783 and was a place of meeting for the Free Masons. George Washington became the Charter Master in 1788 (for more info about it go to I love the way the clouds kind of swirl around the top of the Temple, that and the snow make for a great pic!

I have to make a side note... my coworker, Erin, and I took a walk through Old Town to the waterfront during lunch and I took tons of pics... however, they didn't turn out as good as this pic so I had to choose this! Sorry Erin! But thanks for joining me!

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