Sunday, May 1, 2011

Day 86: Breaking.News.

Amazing night. It's kickball Sunday. I end up at the Egghead's apartment for disgusting chinese food (I think it was the same night). We are all hanging around, it's getting late, I should go home, but I don't. Jeremy James is on twitter and sees that the President is about to address the nation, at like 10:30 p.m. So we're thinking that's weird so we turn off the movie and put on the news. And BAM, Osama Bin Laden has been killed. The news shows a shot of the White House waiting for the President to speak and there's a few people outside waiting around. Jeremy, Burg, and I all look at each other and at the exact same time realized that's where we needed to be! We gather our stuff and head straight there (I guess one of the perks of living a few miles from the Nation's capital). It was absolutely unreal there. By the time we got there, there were already hundreds of people, mostly college students, chanting and singing and being awesomely patriotic (but not in a stupid right wing type of way). Thousands of people had to have been there that night, I took lots of pics and videos and although I don't enjoy celebrating someone's death, it was pretty awesome to be a part of one of those, "Where were you when..." type of events!

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