Saturday, July 16, 2011

Day 102: Brotherly.Love.

Today I went to Megan and Jacob's to take some newborn/family/brother pictures. However, Logan was not really letting it happen because he was super hyper and Noah wasn't really enjoying being woken up for pictures. Needless to say, I was able to get this picture, and, I believe it's absolutely priceless :) Can't say it enough, my friend's make the most beautiful children.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Day 101: Dewey.Beach.

This is the only picture evidence that I even went to Dewey Beach (from my camera). This is Courtney, Tracey, and I (and some hot biker dudes) stuck in traffic due to a bad accident, about 1000 feet in front of us. I got blamed because I stupidly had to stop at Wawa (duh) on our way. But whatever, it was good times. You may ask why I would be at the beach for 4 whole days and not get a single picture... well, when you're at Dewey, the only things you are able to have on you are your bathing suit, a sundress, and a beer (or orange crush) in your hand. There is no room for a camera, ever. Or it may just end up in the pool, someone's drink, or the ocean. No thanks.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Day 100: America's.Birthday.

What's the 4th of July without sparklers? Nothing. And what's a modern 4th of July without a cool picture of sparkler drawings? Definitely nothing. Kevin decided to draw me a heart, because, let's face it, we all know how much he loves me. Thanks Kev, you're the bestest. 

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Day 99: It's.Tradition.

When it's your birthday, we throw shoes. It's tradition. This is FBG doing her best to not get hit in the face. Also, that "birthday cake" Kevin is holding, is the greatest. Microwaved brownie and a number 1 for a candle. We're awesome.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Day 98: Uncle.Sam.Jam.

Today was Uncle Sam Jam at the National Harbor. We started out the day with some mimosas (duh) in Alexandria, then took a water taxi over to enjoy the festivities. It was hot, we were drunk, so we ended up sitting on this dock for a good portion of the day/evening. 

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Day 97: Colored.Sky.

Stormy summers make for some gorgeous sky colors. I was in the grocery store parking lot and couldn't resist.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Day 96: Sleepy.Puppy.

I'm sorry, have I mentioned that I have the cutest puppy in the world? No, ok, well, I do. My roommate has two very oversized stuffed animals for her much bigger dog. Tucker got tired and decided to sleep on them, way different the usually tearing the crap out of them. 

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Day 95: Baby.Feet.

Yesterday, June 18, 2010, the world welcomed Noah Henry Sultan! Another beautiful baby boy born to my beautiful friend Megan. He is just one day old today in the hospital and is healthy and perfect. Baby feet are the greatest! 

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Day 94: Baby.Pool.

Welcome to the best pool in D.C. Only problem is that it comes with this person that I absolutely dislike immensely. Just another Sunday Funday Kickballday Brunchday at the House.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Day 93: Sonic.

No Memorial Day Weekend is complete without a trip to Ocean City, Maryland and SONIC! Obviously we had to stop at Sonic... why wouldn't you want to indulge in their awesome TOTS!?!?!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Day 92: Camp.Fire.

We all really wanted to go camping for Memorial Day Weekend, but apparently in order to do so, you have to reserve a campsite MONTHS in advance. So instead, we "camped" out at Sarah and Holmes' lake house. Thanks to my awesome fire pit purchase, we also had a campfire to roast s'mores!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Day 91: Spirit.Week.

Just another Sunday Funday Kickballday, except even better! Today is spirit week day (it makes sense to us, don't worry about it)! Suprise Bitches decided on the theme of Superheros and these bitches came up with their own hero theme, S and B. I have no idea how our team lost for most spirited... still boggles my mind.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Day 90: Precious.Baby.Girl.

Today was Logan's 2nd birthday party and his girlfriend, Ava, was one of the guests of the party! She's absolutely gorgeous and this is such a precious picture!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Day 89: Nats.Game.

It was dollar ticket and dollar snacks night at Nationals Park tonight. And somehow the place was still empty, but still a fun night out at a ballgame!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Day 88: Diaper.Cake.

Today was Megan's baby shower for Baby Noah, her second baby boy! I decided it was time to be creative and do something special, so I made a diaper cake!!!! You take a bunch of diapers, roll them up, and then put them in cake form and decorate with little baby gifts. And, no, you do not eat it. It's just a decoration, but also little presents to take home!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Day 87: Practice.Run.

Today was a practice run for my Girls on the Run team, getting ready for our end of the season 5k. In order to motivate the girls, we spray painted their hair different colors after certain dances. At the end of the run they all signed shirts for each other. They were happy and proud, which made me a proud and happy coach!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Day 86: Breaking.News.

Amazing night. It's kickball Sunday. I end up at the Egghead's apartment for disgusting chinese food (I think it was the same night). We are all hanging around, it's getting late, I should go home, but I don't. Jeremy James is on twitter and sees that the President is about to address the nation, at like 10:30 p.m. So we're thinking that's weird so we turn off the movie and put on the news. And BAM, Osama Bin Laden has been killed. The news shows a shot of the White House waiting for the President to speak and there's a few people outside waiting around. Jeremy, Burg, and I all look at each other and at the exact same time realized that's where we needed to be! We gather our stuff and head straight there (I guess one of the perks of living a few miles from the Nation's capital). It was absolutely unreal there. By the time we got there, there were already hundreds of people, mostly college students, chanting and singing and being awesomely patriotic (but not in a stupid right wing type of way). Thousands of people had to have been there that night, I took lots of pics and videos and although I don't enjoy celebrating someone's death, it was pretty awesome to be a part of one of those, "Where were you when..." type of events!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Day 85: Easter.Mayo.Barcrawl.

Barcrawl combining Cinco de Mayo and Easter... hmmm, that's weird, so what does it mean? Drink lots of alcohol, dressed up in awesome Mexican attire, do dares, and get rewarded with Easter eggs filled with candy. It happened, it was awesome, and we dressed up our beers with cool stuff!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Day 84: Reenacting.Old.Photos.

My coworker convinced me to do this event called the Great Urban Dare in Washington, D.C. Hundreds of us were given clues that we had to solve and then find the locations and either take pictures or do dares to get our cards stamped. It was a race... we didn't take it seriously... others were WAY too hardcore about it. This was one of our dares: Find a couple to reenact the famous sailor and girl photo in NYC. I asked this couple, "Do you guys like each other enough to kiss each other in public?" They did, apparently. 

Friday, April 22, 2011

Day 83: Watch.Dog.

Best watch dog ever. Again, another photo from my old apartment. I lived on the 4th floor and this chair was placed next to my big window looking out on the street. This became Tucker's favorite place to watch and protect his momma!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Day 82: Live.Love.Laugh.

I had this sign hanging in my bedroom in my old apartment and now it's hanging above my bedroom door. It says, "Live Well*Love Much*Laugh Often... greatest motto.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Day 81: Dying.Flowers.

The flowers Tommy got me a week and a half ago are dying, but they are still colorful!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Day 80: Kayla.

I know I didn't take this picture, but I don't care. The pops came over for dinner tonight and brought Kayla, the most precious and sweetest golden retriever you will ever meet. She's getting old, she's grumpy, she's not very active, but when I see her, she lights up and becomes a puppy again! The only problem is, as she's gotten older, she's super anxious and has developed a fear of the camera, which means if you want a picture of her you literally have to try and tackle her down. 

Monday, April 18, 2011

Day 79: 26.2.Miles.

Yay! Finally got my 26.2 sticker for my car! Felt pretty amazing to put this over the 13.1 sticker. Half-marathon shashmarathon.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Day 78: Kickball.Debacle.

Ok, I cheated, I did not take this picture, obviously. However, I could not pass up this fabulous moment on my blog. This was Sunday, which is kickball day. To be honest, I don't remember this. But I'm pretty confident that I was having a fantastic time.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Day 77: Metro.Walls.

Omg. A ghost showed up in my picture... on nevermind, it was just Kevin being obnoxiously drunk and ruining it by putting his foot in the shot. 

For whatever reason, I have been fascinated by the walls in the underground metro since I was a tiny little person. Thought I would take a shot of it today while waiting for the train to come.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Day 76: Friendly.Flowers.

I was given these lovely bright colored flowers yesterday by a drunken friend who believes that girls should receive flowers more often! Fine by me!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Day 75: National.Monument.Kite.

Today was the first day of kickball on the National Mall. And it also happened to be the kite festival... fun times!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Day 74: Night.Time.Snack.

Such an amazing Saturday! Spent the day catching up with Megan and Logan and had such an awesome time! Megan promised Logan a popsicle at some point in the day and of course he never forgot about it and wanted one for a snack before bedtime! Such a freaking adorable kid! Cannot believe he is about to be 2 years old!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Day 73: Jumbo.Slice.

What's the best thing after a full night of binge drinking? Well, duh! A Jumbo Slice of pizza from Jumbo Slice in Adams Morgan!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Day 72: Team.Cooperation.

At today's practice, I taught the girls about cooperation and working together as a team. Each of them was given a piece of paper to stand on. They had to figure out a way to get around the circle and not a single person could step on the ground or they would have to start over. So they had to work together to figure out how they were going to do this. After just a few failed attempts, they figured out a solution, one of the tiny girls get a piggy back ride from a taller girl which will have a freed up space all the time, making it easier for them to transfer. Such little geniuses! 

Friday, April 1, 2011

Day 71: Key.Lime.Pie.

Ok, so I fail at this photo a day thing... so for the next several posts you will notice that they are not every day... but I will get back on track! I promise!

My Dad and Julie tell me on a regular basis that they do not want junk in their house, so when I went to Key West I knew that they would not want some random trinket. Instead, I decided to be an awesome daughter and have freshly made key lime pie sent to them in the mail. And what did I do when it was delivered? Duh, I showed up in Julie's kitchen ready to eat some!!!! Oh my goodness it was good!!!!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Day 70: Home.Sweet.Home.

For the last 9 days, my dad has been taking care of my sweet baby boy for me (thanks daddy)... Tucker must love visiting the gramps because he has been sleeping allllllll day and night and is exhausted!!!! (yes, he is sleeping on the pillow like it's his own) Tucker needs to go stay with his granddaddy more often :)

Monday, March 28, 2011

Day 69: Miami.Beach.

Left Key West this morning :( Had to drive back to Miami in order to catch an early flight tomorrow. My tan has been getting pretty awesome, but even though we didn't get in to Miami till 3pm, I still laid out on the beach to get the last bit of sun possible. 

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Day 68: Southern.Most.Point.

Key West is home to the Southernmost Point of the United States (duh, the picture says it all). This is a pretty famous tourist attraction. You'd think it would be out on a pier for a million people to go see... but really it's just on a little corner... wasn't as special as I thought it would be, but had to take the pic to prove I was there anyways!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Friday, March 25, 2011

Day 66: Crazies.On.Duval.

Ok, so this title might not be very "social work" of me, but there are some crazy people on Duval Street. Duval is the main strip where all the "action" occurs every night. This guy was on the same corner every night with his poor dog that he dresses up and talks to like it's a human (oh wait, I do that too... whatevs).  Although I felt kind of sorry for the poor pup, it was kind of entertaining... but the dog was so patient and just sat still for several hours every night.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Day 65: Banana.Cafe.

We ate at this cafe every morning... best eggs benedict I have ever had! Breakfast is definitely my favorite meal of the day when it's enjoyed on an outside patio in 75 degree weather with no humidity and an awesome cup of coffee!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Day 64: Street.Signs.

With the exception of the major streets, there aren't any street signs in Key West like we're used to seeing. Instead, the names of the streets are on the light posts. And hey, look at that, there's a street named after me!!!!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day 63: Pineapple.Post.

It's official, I'm in love with the houses in Old Town Key West. They are all very similar, but have so many unique touches to them. We explored the neighborhoods today and I found this cute pineapple post in the entrance of one of the cute homes on Eaton Street.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Day 62: Beautiful.Blue.Water.

This is day one of my fantastic vacation in Key West, Florida. We flew in to Miami and drove down the Keys to get to our destination. On the way, we had to stop for traffic so I took it as an opportunity to take a pic of this beautiful blue water. This pic doesn't even do it justice! It was so extremely clear and so relaxing to just look at. And very jealous of those people on the sailboat a bit away.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Day 61: Biggest.Day.Of.My.Life.

WAHOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Today was, by far, the biggest day of my entire life!!!!! I completed my very first marathon (I say it like that, because this is definitely not my last)!!! Once I crossed that finish line, I felt like I had accomplished the impossible. Not only did I finish, but I finished better than I could have ever imagined. I ran during the entire race (with the exception of 5 minutes during mile 19 when I hit my wall). But it felt pretty amazing to be the only one running during the last 6 miles as everyone else was walking. I can't get over the high that I felt during that 4 hours and 38 minutes, so unexplainable, yet so unforgettable!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Day 60: Big.Moon.

No, this isn't a sunset... it's the biggest moon in 16 years! This is a view from the hotel room and a perfect scene to catch the moon at this size. 

Friday, March 18, 2011

Day 59: Good.Luck.

Checked in to my room at the Hilton in VA Beach for marathon weekend and was greeted with this fantastic edible arrangement and balloon from an awesome friend. I'm so very grateful for all the support I have had during this time!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Day 57: Almost.There.

Today was the second to last training run before the big day! I've had this schedule taped to my bathroom mirror since the beginning of training in order to remind and motivate myself every morning. I also have one posted next to my bed, on my front door, and next to my desk in my office. Four days until the marathon!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Day 56: Door.Mat.

Rainy day means having to wipe your feet on this wonderful mat before you enter my apartment :)

Monday, March 14, 2011

Day 55: Spring.Has.Sprung.

Noticed during practice today that the first signs of spring are happening, tiny little flower buds on the trees!!! 

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Day 54: Marathon.Shirt.

The Shamrock Marathon is exactly one week away today! I would be completely unfun if I didn't wear green for the race, so I went and got this amazing shirt today! SO EXCITED!!!!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Day 53: Sweet.Little.Puppy.

Puppy had a long day and was too tired to play with his toy, so instead he stared at it forever... and looked adorable doing so.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Day 52: Girls.Night.In.

This is what happens with you combine a long work day, chinese food, Moscato, Jersey Shore, and endless laughing... She's going to absolutely kill me for posting this, so either you won't see anymore picture because I'm dead, or this will disappear from the batch at some point!

P.S. Happy 3-11 day! :)