Sunday, February 27, 2011

Day 41: Sunday.Funday.Puzzleday.

Bought a Beatles puzzle today that is only black and white... we attempted to complete it but gave up after 10 minutes... maybe in the near future I'll have a picture of the completed puzzle... maybe.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Day 40: 20.Mile.Fail.

So, today was supposed to be my "big" day in terms of marathon training. Today was the day that my 20 mile run was scheduled. I've been having issues lately with my right knee but was hoping I could just get through today and that things would go smoothly. Surprisingly, I was doing absolutely amazing and the run was perfect with no issues whatsoever. Then, after eating my GuChomps at 13 miles, my tummy felt heavy so I thought it would be a good idea to stop for a minute to let it settle, but then BAM the second I started walking something happened with my knee and I have never felt so much pain before. I couldn't even walk and it wasn't getting any better. Good thing I brought my cell phone with my CamelBak and was able to have someone come pick me up at Gravely Point. This picture is a scene of what I've been doing all night long... R.I.C.E.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Day 39: Rolling.Clouds.

I had to go down to Richmond today to one of our juvenile facilities and as we were leaving these clouds started rolling through. Couldn't help but make my coworker pull over so I could snap a shot.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Day 38: Sucking.Face.

Bahahahah... so this really shouldn't be a part of this project because it is not good use of my camera, but it was too priceless to not add!!!! We went out to Bailey's after the nice dodgeball win tonight... drank lots... and were in great company of some awkward/old first date PDA. This guy sat there for about 30 mins by himself looking like a creeper and this chick showed up super late and completely wasted... then BAM they start making out on and off for a good portion of the date right in front of us... stay classy old creepy people!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Day 37: Birthday.Presents.

Added some books to the bookshelf collection tonight after a wonderful simple bookstore date for my birthday! Might sound dorky, but it's the simple things that make me happy :)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day 36: Birthday.Cards.

First birthday card for my bday, attached with a beautiful necklace :) My daddy knows me oh so well!!! 

Monday, February 21, 2011

Day 35: Wind.Chime.

I bought this wind chime at the beach last summer and finally put it up last month. It was put to good use this weekend with 55 mph winds on Saturday and tonight with huge gusts of wind while it's raining/freezing raining/snowing outside... what a strange weekend for weather!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Friday, February 18, 2011

Day 32: Puppy.Park.

There's nothing better than a 75 degree Friday in February, especially when I get to leave work at 1pm! So, of course, Tucker gets a field trip to the puppy park to enjoy such a beautiful day! This is him fetching a tennis ball... he may seem like a dummy, but he's the best fetcher at the puppy park.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Day 30: 9.Mile.Run.

On the first day of this project I had a picture of my favorite running items and this Garmin GPS watch was one of them. This watch really does motivate my running in every way possible. So today was an absolutely gorgeous day... high 50s and not a cloud in the sky! The trail was packed with people getting out and running which made it feel like I had company, which is very important when you run 9 miles for 1.5 hours!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 29: Old.Town.Steps.

One of my favorite things about Old Town are the row houses and their steps. One of my favorite things about photography is black and white pictures. So combine the two together and you get this picture!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Day 28: Modern.Candy.Hearts.

It's Valentines Day which means that it's candy heart day! But hello, it's 2011, why wouldn't candy hearts now say "text me" and "holla"??????

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Day 27: Night.Cap.

Lame picture, I know. But my camera was dead all day and I didn't have it during dinner at Clydes where I wanted to take a million pics of all the awesome decor they have there... so this will have to do. It's been a wonderful pre-Valentines Day weekend and what better way to end it then with a nice glass of red wine before bedtime :)

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Day 26: Holocaust.Museum.

It's always a good thing when out-of-towners come to D.C. to visit because it's about the only time I ever get to play tourist. We went to the Holocaust Museum which is such a beautiful and touching place to learn about history. In the exhibit, there's this room of pictures of survivors. Such an amazing place for someone with an interest in photography. 

Friday, February 11, 2011

Day 25: Federal.Courthouse.

Went to get lunch in the Federal Courthouse neighborhood today. It was absolutely gorgeous out.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day 24: Four.Square.

What happens when your dodgeball game gets postponed for 2 hours? Obviously you take strength training bands and create a four square!!!!!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day 23: Light.Dusting.

I went outside to take Tucker for his last night walk and was surprised to see a bit of snow on the ground. These ivy leaves are outside my building and looked pretty with a bit of snow on them.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day 22: On.Call.

Ughhh... worst on-call night ever. The phone would not stop ringing, so much I even had to leave a movie 20 minutes into it (dummy me for thinking I could have a social life while on-call). Therefore, my kitchen table turned into a mini office. 

Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 21: New.Running.Shoes

So glad to have my Mizuno running shoes back! First run with them and it felt great... Countdown to marathon continues!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Day 20: Superbowl.Nom.Noms.

There's no better way to celebrate the Superbowl than with some awesome homemade nom noms. First time cooking chili in the crockpot and it turned out amazinggggg.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Day 19: Gloomy.Day.

Good thing I'm from Oregon and am used to the rain! Wet and rainy Saturday... kind of went along with my mood for the day - gloomy throughout the day but cleared up and turned into a beautiful evening :)

Friday, February 4, 2011

Day 18: Working.Late.

I very rarely allow myself to leave work late... to me, there are very few things that can't wait till the next day. But of course one of those few things would happen on a Friday, at 4:25 p.m. (I leave at 4:30 p.m.). Just wanted to take note of it by snapping a pic of the time on my phone...

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day 17: New.Camera.Bag

This was a week of great purchases for me! And this one is definitely my favorite!! This bag is specially made to hold a camera for a girl who loves looking cute while taking pics! I figure it's worth it since I'll be spending the next year with my camera attached to me! 

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 16: Meat.Eating.

All you can eat wings, tenders, and beer for $25 (girls) or $30 (boys)?? Awesome deal!!!! Wing Hub in Bethesda, MD... check it out! Some people from my dodgeball team decided for whatever reason to be a vegetarian for the month of January. They spent the first night of February eating just meat at a brazilian bbq place and decided to have part 2 of their meat eating at Wing Hub. Here's a sneak peak of the tiny portion they devoured. Good times.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day 15: Snowy.Trails.

Snow is a pretty gorgeous thing. However, I currently have a bit of a love/hate relationship with it. It's pretty to look at, makes things romantic, got me out of school several times growing up, and most importantly, it gave me a two week paid vacation last year. So where does my hate come from? Well apparently this year, the City of Alexandria doesn't give a crap about the safety of their employees and isn't willing to give us a day off anymore so now I'm forced to risk my life to go into work and be there with pretty much no one because they have the leave to take off and I don't. Additionally, I'm getting into the tough stages of my marathon training and every day of running is precious... so it was really annoying to go on my simple 4 mile run today and tear up my knees having to run on snow/ice that is still present on the trails. Buttttttt... I guess I should get over it because the snow did provide for this pretty cool picture. When I was done running, I drove to this portion of where I begin to run, right on the waterfront. I thought the tree looked cool on the edge of the land. Just in case you are curious, that's DC right across the water. Side note, I didn't edit the colors or anything on this... came out kinda awesome!