Saturday, April 30, 2011

Day 85: Easter.Mayo.Barcrawl.

Barcrawl combining Cinco de Mayo and Easter... hmmm, that's weird, so what does it mean? Drink lots of alcohol, dressed up in awesome Mexican attire, do dares, and get rewarded with Easter eggs filled with candy. It happened, it was awesome, and we dressed up our beers with cool stuff!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Day 84: Reenacting.Old.Photos.

My coworker convinced me to do this event called the Great Urban Dare in Washington, D.C. Hundreds of us were given clues that we had to solve and then find the locations and either take pictures or do dares to get our cards stamped. It was a race... we didn't take it seriously... others were WAY too hardcore about it. This was one of our dares: Find a couple to reenact the famous sailor and girl photo in NYC. I asked this couple, "Do you guys like each other enough to kiss each other in public?" They did, apparently. 

Friday, April 22, 2011

Day 83: Watch.Dog.

Best watch dog ever. Again, another photo from my old apartment. I lived on the 4th floor and this chair was placed next to my big window looking out on the street. This became Tucker's favorite place to watch and protect his momma!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Day 82: Live.Love.Laugh.

I had this sign hanging in my bedroom in my old apartment and now it's hanging above my bedroom door. It says, "Live Well*Love Much*Laugh Often... greatest motto.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Day 81: Dying.Flowers.

The flowers Tommy got me a week and a half ago are dying, but they are still colorful!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Day 80: Kayla.

I know I didn't take this picture, but I don't care. The pops came over for dinner tonight and brought Kayla, the most precious and sweetest golden retriever you will ever meet. She's getting old, she's grumpy, she's not very active, but when I see her, she lights up and becomes a puppy again! The only problem is, as she's gotten older, she's super anxious and has developed a fear of the camera, which means if you want a picture of her you literally have to try and tackle her down. 

Monday, April 18, 2011

Day 79: 26.2.Miles.

Yay! Finally got my 26.2 sticker for my car! Felt pretty amazing to put this over the 13.1 sticker. Half-marathon shashmarathon.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Day 78: Kickball.Debacle.

Ok, I cheated, I did not take this picture, obviously. However, I could not pass up this fabulous moment on my blog. This was Sunday, which is kickball day. To be honest, I don't remember this. But I'm pretty confident that I was having a fantastic time.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Day 77: Metro.Walls.

Omg. A ghost showed up in my picture... on nevermind, it was just Kevin being obnoxiously drunk and ruining it by putting his foot in the shot. 

For whatever reason, I have been fascinated by the walls in the underground metro since I was a tiny little person. Thought I would take a shot of it today while waiting for the train to come.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Day 76: Friendly.Flowers.

I was given these lovely bright colored flowers yesterday by a drunken friend who believes that girls should receive flowers more often! Fine by me!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Day 75: National.Monument.Kite.

Today was the first day of kickball on the National Mall. And it also happened to be the kite festival... fun times!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Day 74: Night.Time.Snack.

Such an amazing Saturday! Spent the day catching up with Megan and Logan and had such an awesome time! Megan promised Logan a popsicle at some point in the day and of course he never forgot about it and wanted one for a snack before bedtime! Such a freaking adorable kid! Cannot believe he is about to be 2 years old!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Day 73: Jumbo.Slice.

What's the best thing after a full night of binge drinking? Well, duh! A Jumbo Slice of pizza from Jumbo Slice in Adams Morgan!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Day 72: Team.Cooperation.

At today's practice, I taught the girls about cooperation and working together as a team. Each of them was given a piece of paper to stand on. They had to figure out a way to get around the circle and not a single person could step on the ground or they would have to start over. So they had to work together to figure out how they were going to do this. After just a few failed attempts, they figured out a solution, one of the tiny girls get a piggy back ride from a taller girl which will have a freed up space all the time, making it easier for them to transfer. Such little geniuses! 

Friday, April 1, 2011

Day 71: Key.Lime.Pie.

Ok, so I fail at this photo a day thing... so for the next several posts you will notice that they are not every day... but I will get back on track! I promise!

My Dad and Julie tell me on a regular basis that they do not want junk in their house, so when I went to Key West I knew that they would not want some random trinket. Instead, I decided to be an awesome daughter and have freshly made key lime pie sent to them in the mail. And what did I do when it was delivered? Duh, I showed up in Julie's kitchen ready to eat some!!!! Oh my goodness it was good!!!!