Saturday, July 16, 2011

Day 102: Brotherly.Love.

Today I went to Megan and Jacob's to take some newborn/family/brother pictures. However, Logan was not really letting it happen because he was super hyper and Noah wasn't really enjoying being woken up for pictures. Needless to say, I was able to get this picture, and, I believe it's absolutely priceless :) Can't say it enough, my friend's make the most beautiful children.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Day 101: Dewey.Beach.

This is the only picture evidence that I even went to Dewey Beach (from my camera). This is Courtney, Tracey, and I (and some hot biker dudes) stuck in traffic due to a bad accident, about 1000 feet in front of us. I got blamed because I stupidly had to stop at Wawa (duh) on our way. But whatever, it was good times. You may ask why I would be at the beach for 4 whole days and not get a single picture... well, when you're at Dewey, the only things you are able to have on you are your bathing suit, a sundress, and a beer (or orange crush) in your hand. There is no room for a camera, ever. Or it may just end up in the pool, someone's drink, or the ocean. No thanks.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Day 100: America's.Birthday.

What's the 4th of July without sparklers? Nothing. And what's a modern 4th of July without a cool picture of sparkler drawings? Definitely nothing. Kevin decided to draw me a heart, because, let's face it, we all know how much he loves me. Thanks Kev, you're the bestest. 

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Day 99: It's.Tradition.

When it's your birthday, we throw shoes. It's tradition. This is FBG doing her best to not get hit in the face. Also, that "birthday cake" Kevin is holding, is the greatest. Microwaved brownie and a number 1 for a candle. We're awesome.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Day 98: Uncle.Sam.Jam.

Today was Uncle Sam Jam at the National Harbor. We started out the day with some mimosas (duh) in Alexandria, then took a water taxi over to enjoy the festivities. It was hot, we were drunk, so we ended up sitting on this dock for a good portion of the day/evening. 

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Day 97: Colored.Sky.

Stormy summers make for some gorgeous sky colors. I was in the grocery store parking lot and couldn't resist.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Day 96: Sleepy.Puppy.

I'm sorry, have I mentioned that I have the cutest puppy in the world? No, ok, well, I do. My roommate has two very oversized stuffed animals for her much bigger dog. Tucker got tired and decided to sleep on them, way different the usually tearing the crap out of them.